As the tertiary defense against dental problems, mouthwash can be a valuable part of your dental care routine. However, knowing the type of mouthwash you’re using is vital to solving your oral care problems. While some mouthwashes legitimately fight plaque and make your mouth healthier, others simply taste good and freshen breath for a short time. The infographic below discusses key factors of the 2 primary types of mouthwash.
Not every person uses mouthwash, but with a massive variety of flavors and features, it’s grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry. The features claimed by popular mouthwash products range from killing plaque to whitening teeth, but their effectiveness varies greatly.
While the dental care aisle at your local drug store has a large variety of choices, it’s important to know why you’re buying mouthwash in the first place so you select the optimal product. It’s also noteworthy that some potent mouthwashes are only available from your dentist or by doctor’s prescription.
Daily at home dental care is the number one way to keep a healthy mouth, but visiting your dentist for regularly scheduled appointments is a close second. Whether you’ve suffered from toothaches, have one that’s missing or want to come in for a simple examination, Dr. Adam Foleck has the skill and experience to help. Contact our office with your dental concerns and find out how Dr. Foleck and our friendly staff can assist you.
Adam Foleck
201 College Pl. #111
Norfolk, VA 23510
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Monday: 8AM – 6PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday: 8AM – 7PM
Thursday: 7:30AM – 6:30PM
Friday: 8AM – 5PM
Saturday: 9AM – 1PM
Sunday: Closed