When facts are passed down from one generation to the next, it’s easy for crucial details to get left out, resulting in myths like the ones below. While each of these myths has an element of truth to it, they are ultimately misconceptions about dental care. When false information is widely believed regarding an issue as important as dental care, it can cause declining dental health for a lot of people.
Just about any complex topic has myths associated with it and dentistry is no different. While some of the myths are semantic, others can spread false beliefs that lead to sub-standard dental care.
One example is the myth that you don’t have to brush the baby teeth of children. While it’s understandable that someone would believe that baby teeth don’t need attention because they’ll fall out anyway, neglecting their teeth will have dire consequences for their oral health. This shows the danger of believing in myths and the vital need for truth when it comes to dental care.
If you have dental worries and concerns, don’t hold them inside. Dr. Adam Foleck and Dr. Francisco Limon are highly-qualified dentists who can recommend the best dental care treatments for your specific needs. Feel free to visit their office and ask any questions you may have about dental care to ensure you’re correctly maintaining your teeth. Contact The Foleck Center to make an appointment.
Adam Foleck
201 College Pl. #111
Norfolk, VA 23510
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Monday: 8AM – 6PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday: 8AM – 7PM
Thursday: 7:30AM – 6:30PM
Friday: 8AM – 5PM
Saturday: 9AM – 1PM
Sunday: Closed