Have you ever found yourself nearly gagging on a dry mouth? Are you struggling to salivate throughout the day? It could be that you’re not drinking enough water, trying a new medication, or made a change in your diet, but another cause could be a condition known as xerostomia, also known as “dry mouth”. Taking daily swigs of liquids may not be helping if you’re diagnosed with this, but what some patients may not realize is how it can also affect the state of your teeth.
Dry mouth means dry teeth. And dry teeth can become a hotbed for bacteria, which could easily domino into tooth decay and tooth loss for some. For patients in Norfolk, VA who have lost teeth due to dry mouth, Dr. Foleck has a solution – dental implants.
When bacteria that reside in your mouth leave acid waste behind, it can build up to become the sticky plaque that we all know of. Plaque turns into cavities, if not caught early enough, and dry mouth only speeds up the process. Saliva is the base to the bacteria’s acid waste, meaning that it essentially neutralizes and washes away the waste with every swallow.
First off, let’s see if you have xerostomia or dry mouth: Do you fall into any of the following categories?
Do you have the following symptoms during your everyday routine?
If you said yes to the above symptoms, it may be time to visit your doctor for a diagnosis and solution. However, if you’ve been suffering tooth loss from continuous dry mouth and tooth decay, seek out Dr. Foleck for dental implants. Here’s why:
The beauty of dental implants is that they’re artificial but still biocompatible with your jawbone. Dental implants are titanium teeth that are embedded into the jawbone, and then fuse with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration.
Since these implants are artificial, they cannot be affected by bacterial infections, such as tooth decay. We’ve seen patients walk out the door of our office with full smiles, and have maintained those complete smiles thanks to dental implants. Dental implants can be cleaned and treated just like your natural teeth, and have the potential to last a lifetime with proper care. So what does this mean for you? No more losing teeth to dry mouth! After all the ordeal of losing your dental health time and again to xerostomia, you can rest easy with dental implants, knowing that they are secure without sacrificing natural appearance.
So, does the sound of dental implants appeal to you? Then you’re in luck, because Dr. Foleck offers quality dental implants at an affordable cost to you for patients in Norfolk, VA and beyond. Contact us today to schedule your first consultation with Dr. Foleck and learn about what it takes to get dental implants. Let us help you reach your smile goal!
Adam Foleck
201 College Pl. #111
Norfolk, VA 23510
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